Sustainability Reporting Services

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Sustainability Reporting Services

Sustainable development is a complex issue that requires a “systems” view – consideration of various labour, community, environmental and economic factors that shape and influence the project.

Our Sustainability Report Services are delivered by our team of specialist to develop practical solutions to one of the world’s most pressing challenges – responsible development for sustainable communities.

Our services cover a range of technical and tactical services from energy and water efficiency studies for industry to climate change adaptation planning for municipal government.

Project Impact Assessment

Our experienced consultants on Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment (ESIA) practice offer our sustainability services in the fields of:

  • Energy and water efficiency
  • Climate change impact assessment and adaptation
  • Greenhouse gas /carbon management
  • Lifecycle assessment and green supply chain

We help organizations meet regulatory demands that new, large infrastructure projects conform with the principles of sustainable development, through the comprehensive identification and mitigation of negative impacts on the natural environment and local communities. Our services go beyond impact minimization to ensure that projects meet society’s expectation of net zero or net positive impacts on the environment and community.

Stakeholder Engagement & Reporting

Our social management practitioners are involved in:

  • Public opinion research,
  • Community development needs assessment,
  • Meeting and workshop facilitation,
  • Conflict identification and resolution, and
  • Public communications.

We offer our services in developing sustainability reports meeting the GRI standard and help our clients monitor, evaluate and report on their sustainability performance.

Sustainability Audit and Assessment

We can develop, assist in the implementation and audit sustainability-based management systems, environmental and social management plans that comply with international standards for environmental, social and labour health and safety performance (World Bank EHS Guidelines, IFC Performance Standards, Equator Principles, etc.)

Our consultants have wide experience in various sustainability assessments and appraisals including life-cycle assessment, sustainability risk and opportunity assessment and strategy development, project performance verification, etc.


Sustainable Decision Making

To effectively address sustainability issues in highly technical and complex projects, AGV works with some of its international partners to employ proprietary customised software. The sustainability decision making web-based engineering software provides a systematic process for evaluating multiple project alternatives, supports the full integration of social, economic, environmental and technical considerations, and fosters proactive engagement with stakeholders. Thereby providing a cost effective method to facilitate risk analysis and decision making to assist with your project planning and design.